Thursday 10 September 2015

Elements And Principles Of Design -Mohamad Salem

Elements And Principles Of Design

By Shabby Chic

Lines are used in images to create a sense of separation or an ongoing feeling between the image and the viewers. In the above image lines are used to create a distinctive feeling of  forever growing nature. The horizontal lines in the image directs the readers eyes to look beyond they actual picture. For example when viewing this picture at the end of the image near the fence you can see it doesn't stop it keeps going which dictates that the "green nature" is continuous even beyond the picture.


This is image is called Abstract Art.  This shape is used to attract the audiences attention because of its weird design. Naturally when observing circles and squares in society you do not naturally view it because you have seen this image before many times and its blended in. Meanwhile with this weirdly shaped image your natural instincts is to look at it because it may be different then what your used to seeing.  Therefore it attracts the customers attention to read the sign such as this one and see that its on "SALE!".


This image shows a black and white color of a purple flower. The only colored flower pops out of the image revealing itself creating a beautiful popped out flower image. It stands out from the other flowers because of its bright colors shining in the darkness.

In an overview over the city of Paris you cannot help but notice the sense of community and natured texture the city has. Along the streets you can see that there are trees, signs of nature and community. There is a light texture of belonging and warmth in this city.

The bedroom showcased above is very organized and spread out, not crowded. This is very important for design because it creates a sense of room not just unorganisation. It is pleasant for the viewers eyes to see and observer. If it was a crowded room it would be hard to keep track of what's going on.

Asymmetrical Balance

This is an image of Asymmetrical Balance. In the above image both sides are on the same road but different directions. The split between the road creates a asymmetrical view because the trees are inconsistent with each other not being a "mirror" to one another.
Symmetrical Balance

This astonishing picture provides a symmetrical corner view of a skyscraper.  Both corners of the image are the same and are symmetrically balanced with one another having no unsymmetrical parts.
Thomas Hawk-


This image shows emphasis on the pink smiley faced ball. The emphasis on the image is created because in the background all the balls are sad and dull meanwhile the one bright shining ball is happy. The author of the image is trying to emphasize a hidden message to always be happy and never be affected by the people surrounding you.

This is an image of rhythm. The repeated pattern the image is trying to portray is that one long step then one short step side by side switching every step along the way. This is in a rhythmic matter because of its constant repetition of steps that doesn't disturb the rhythmic pattern.


The light verse the darkness displays a "out of this world" type of image. The destruction of the darkness occurring because of the light shining and taking over the darkness, brings hope to the viewers eyes.

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